Saturday, April 22, 2006

Now, are these not the sweetest pictures ever? Major, Major thanks to Amber who took these photos. You can see more of her awsome work here, at She amazes me!

We just got back from the treck to the post office. All that walking for one Target Bill. Doesnnt seem right!

The little one is down in her playpen, working on a plan for a nap, or lack there of. I need to get a picture printed of Riley and Zachary together, and write a note to Brian. It seems impossible that he will be home in just a couple short weeks. Cant wait to see him. Plus (and this is bad) I know that he is missing tons of food around here, so I cant wait to have a going out to eat partner!

No scrapping last night. I guess I am still formulating. Hopefully I will get some ages cranked out today....

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ha! I did it!!!

<-----mmm a whole basket of letter stamps. Love it. Is it sad that this is one of many baskets of letter stamps?

Above: The way my "cutting station" should look. Looks productive huh? That cute little lunchbox in the background? Paints. Gotta love it!

<---- fine speciman we have here. The way a ribbon bucket should look!

My Desk. its clean!!!! Who woulda thunk it??

Hmmm... I thought that I uploaded a picture of my clean shelves too. Oh well. I sorted all my paper. By company, color, ect. Those of you that love scrapbooking will see the importance of this. There is nothing like searching for that peice of basic grey paper (this is a brand for all you non scrapbook people) and not being able to find it. To ease this common pain, I sort by company, then by paper. Sounds obbsessive huh? It is my friend. It is.

So now I should be scrapping right? I am formulating in my head. Thats all. Formulating. I am hoping to turn out something wonderful tonight. And now, the master (okay wanabe master) must go to work.

Wanna peek??

<-------my shelves. Stocked with paper. stamps. paper. goodies. silk flowers. paper. idea books. paper. unfinished albums. did I mention paper?

<-----this is my veiw into my room. its soooo tiny. but its mine. I olny have to share with derrick after nine, and only then if he wants to play online poker. or pay bills. i will let him in to pay bills. The white table (with the silver and green buckets) holds my paper trimmer. I cant even see it. Bad news! The green bucket holds ribbons. TONS of ribbons. and those are only carded or spooled ribbon. loose ribbon is stored in another basket!

<----- okay I had to stand on a chair for this one. this is where I scrapbook. Where you ask? Thats why my cutting table is covered. I move and work move and work. See the open desk drawer on the left? Full of boxes and boxes off all sorts of fun stuff. Brads. Eyelets. Buttons. See the open long drawer on the front of the desk? Full of rub-ons. Tons of rubons. You cant really see it, but there is a Longaberger basket on the pulled out chair. Full. More rubons, more stickers. More everything.

<---- these two arejust dofferent veiws. I didnt even include my seven drawer cart. Yikes.

So why all the pictures? A major cleanup is about to happen. Major. Tonight. I can not scrapbook in theis chaos. I need some sort of order, some "pick" up system. It has gotten way out of control! Lets hope I have some CLEAN pictures to post tonight.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Which one?

I am not going to say which one I took apart and remade into the new one... which one do you like best?

Easter, Easter, Easter.....

Easter pics for everyone!! So ready for the cutest thing ever? The Easter Bunny spent 40 bucks on a walker. Riley got in it, pulled the hamper over to her, and chewed on the handle. We coulda spent 5 bucks and gotten her a laundry basket! Silly girl!

Easter went well. We all went to church together, even Derrick. Yes the church is still standing! Riley tried to sing over and over with us, but ended up yelling more than anything. She's still cute though! Her dress was a hit! Thanks Amber!

I did manage to get a good picture of Riley and Zachary together this weekend. THis is the first time we have seen him since Brian left, so I am hoping to get this printed and mailed off to brian as soon as possible.

Rumor had it that Brian was going to get to call home yesterday. We didnt hear anything at mom and dads but we dont know if he tried to call jennifer and Zachary. She wouldnt tell us anyway. I told Zachary that daddy comes home in 36 days, and we will have cake and ice cream then. Jennifer told him that his Daddy went away for job and wasnt coming back. Stupid &(*&#$%.

Well I am putting the finishing touches on a new Layout. I am going to post it here later tonight. This is one that I took apart and did over, so I will have a "voting" contest..... maybye that will atract some more comments!

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