Thursday, July 26, 2007

Utter Cuteness

<----just the cutest thing ever. Seriously.

<-----content curled up on Mommy

<---looking onery as ever.

I am pretty sure that Derrick and I have the best kids EVER. Seriously. They are too stinking cute! Both were pretty well behaved today. Riley had some minor meltdowns, but nothing major. Chase slept realy well, and actually spent about an hour awake this afternoon. He was more alert during that time, then I think I have seen him be in a while. We have our first Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. I cant remember if he gets shots during this one or not. I am thinking not, but I may be seriously wrong. In which case Daddy better be ready to shell out some money, cause everytime we get shots in this house we get to go buy a new toy. Its no wonder we have so much crap! In my defense, Riley still has the moo cow we bought after her first Dr.'s visit, and loves it to death.

I am going to work on my birth announcements tonight, so hopefully everyone will have a real live picture of Chase along with all his stats before long...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Chase Matthew White
July 23rd
7lbs 9oz
19 3/4 inches long
I have to say, he is the most perfect! Riley is adjusting well. She really isnt to involved with him, unless he is crying, then she realizes that he is here! We just got home about an hour ago. So far, so good. Both kids are sleeping right now (how often do you think that will happen??). I hope the pics tide everyone over for a bit, we will update with more later on....

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