So Riley has this desk. The desk has a lamp on it. Usually she just turns it on and off. The desk is back in the new room, right behind where I scrapbook. I turned to corner last night to catch Riley, sitting on the lamp, looking out the window. Of course, to complete the look she is wearing a diaper and shoes. Nothing else. This kid keeps you on your toes, let me tell you. The cute thing is that Derrick was working outside and she could see him from the window, so she was just sitting there, watching him. After a couple pictures, I made her get down. I just had to make sure I had proof for Derrick though!
Chase is changing! I think that he looks so filled out in these pictures! Derrick hated this outfit when I brought it home, but I love it! I think that it looks so stinking cute on him! He just looks like a little man! We slept for five hours straight for two nights, and are now back to every three hours. I guess its just whatever works for him, right?
Well Riley is standing next to me, wanting to put her shoes on-better go...