Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pics from today...

I seriously need to learn how to put more pics in one post!
We took the kids to the st louis city museum today. What an amazing place! We had so muh fun. We saw turtles, and fish and stingrays and clownfish and bunnies, just a little of everything! We went down big slides and crawled through the belly of a whale. We saw a old arcade, ate PB&J for lunch, played in a huge ballpit, painted, and slid down more big slides! It was really fun, and I cant wait until the kids are a little older and more able to climp things so that we can do it all over again! There were so many nooks and crannies to go through, but we were kind of handicapped with the stroller and a small two year old! All in all though it was really fun, and we enjoyed it. Although I still think mom and dad deprived us because they didnt take us when we we younger. Maybe us three girls should go together (sans little kids) this summer when everyone is home. We would really have a lot of fun. I posted three pics of the OUTSIDE of the museum. You can climb up ALL of these things. I told you it was amazing!!
Alright. I made Derrick stop at the scrapbook store, so I better do something with all my goodies tonight... :)

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