Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday cards…..


My black inkpad was a little juicier than I was ready for on this one, hence the little black streaks. And I stickled the heart sprinkles… :)

17 6-12-2010 7-54-38 PM.bmp

The sentiment here looks red. I assure you, its pink.

18 6-12-2010 7-55-34 PM.bmp

I got some new embossing folders last night. LOVE them. Really crisp embossing. However, they don't work with 5x5 cards, the embossing area isn't big enough.

21 6-12-2010 7-57-03 PM.bmp

And you cant have a day without a Dustin Pike stamp…… :)

19 6-12-2010 7-56-26 PM.bmp

Potty training is pretty much complete. :) We went today with only one accident (yesterday too). We are so proud!! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lots of new cards….


Love this guy. Love Dustin Pike. If I wasn't married, I might go after him just so I could have all the little dinosaurs I wanted to color. And now he designs for High Hopes stamps, which means my checking account balance just got lower. :)

10 6-3-2010 2-07-49 PM.bmp


11 6-3-2010 2-08-37 PM.bmp

12 6-11-2010 1-08-25 PM.bmp

Love this one. I am trying to remember that I don't need to just use up cardstock scraps, but patterned paper scraps too!!

13 6-11-2010 1-09-38 PM.bmp

14 6-11-2010 1-10-19 PM.bmp

Like this one too. So pretty. I like these little strawberry shortcake like images. Super fun for me to color, and Riley gets excited about them too. :)

14 6-11-2010 1-11-19 PM.bmp

And this frog just makes me want to kiss it. Seriously. So flipping cute. It makes it hard to contain myself.

14 6-11-2010 1-12-45 PM.bmp

Dustin Pike, again. Imagine that….

15 6-11-2010 1-13-24 PM.bmp

Sweet baby card….

16 6-11-2010 1-14-20 PM.bmp

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Everyone should be peed on, at least once a day…..


Sigh. I am officially a potty training fool. Chase and Jack both started potty training today.  Despite several accidents first thing, they both did fantastic this morning! I was even able to take them to the church for about 15 minutes in their big boy undies to pick up the kids from VBS.

But, despite being peed on and praising with suckers and following around asking “are you dry” fifteen thousand times, it makes me sad. This is my last little guy. My last baby, and this is just one more step in the growing up process that I wish I could magically pause. Its one more way that he wont need his mommy. One more step of independence. Before I know it, the baby that had to sleep in my bed with me, the boy that wanted four different kinds of cereal for breakfast, the baby that still has his aci, will be a full grown little man. And that breaks my heart!

Before I get all emotional lets talk about some happy things. :)


Basket full of cards….I officially have a stockpile! Yay!


This pad = best invention ever. From SU, its 100 sheets of grid lined paper. And its FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! Wish I had ordered this 5 thousand years ago!

Speaking of things I wish I had ordered….I found an old SU book the other day. Now I am obsessed with finding all these old SU sets I wish I had bought way back when. So, I have been hitting EBay hardcore, and snatching up every set that I deem “necessary”. Unfortunately, I use derricks eBay account, so I am sure before long (read: once I hit a certain dollar limit) he will cut me off. Until then, its game on. Happy bidding to me! :)

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