Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Uncle Matt

We snapped these pics of Uncle Matt and Riley, on his last day here in Central Illinois. Daddy helped Riley into the packing box that Uncle Matt was using. Isnt her expression priceless?

So we are missing Matt, All of us. Its so weird knowing that we cant pick up the phone and call, like normal. I know that the time until he comes back will fly by, but looking at it right now, it feels like an eternity!

Derrick went and picked up the blocks for the foundation tonight. We are rocking and rolling. The plan is to try to lay the block this weekend, in between mothers day visits and phone calls.

I think thats all the gossip for the time being. Kinda lonesome that I dont have more to report! Looking foward to tomorrow, cause its my last day of the work week! I am off on Friday, but am helping to host the nurses lunch. I think that it will be fun, it just stinks that it has to occur on my day off! OKay.... of to find some games for the nurses to play....

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hey! You takin' my O's??

Utter cuteness. 'nuff said. thanks to aunt chandra for talking the awsome picture....

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