Saturday, December 09, 2006

New Pics

<---- Rileys new santa had. Best 1.87 ever spent! I am thinking that I might get a couple wallets of this one!

<--- we brush our teeth. A lot.

<---wearing my bra. Again.

<---two squirrels trying to "do it" outside our house. They succeded. We will have baby squirrels next year. This pic is mainly for my parents. For those of you that dont know, mom and dad have a picture of some squirrels "doing it" they always blame the picture on the other person (your dad did it! Nope, your mom did. Ect.) So when Derrick spotted this last week, he said "quick grab the camera, it will be like your mom and dad!" Enough said. I am sure that mom and dad are real proud right now. Happy anniversary, guys!!

No real updates on the home front. I started my Christmas shopping today, and bought a whopping two gifts. I still have a lot to go. But its not the day before yet, so there is still time. I am trying to motivate myself to get some scrapping done, but I am not feeling it this weekend. I wasnt last weekend either. Maybe later this week. Its not a requirement that I do it every weekend anyway! Derrick is off playing poker tonight. I hate when he goes when he has to work the next day. He will be so pleasent in the morning! No big plans for tomorrow. Hopefully the weebel and I will both get to sleep in a little bit!

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