Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday cards…..


My black inkpad was a little juicier than I was ready for on this one, hence the little black streaks. And I stickled the heart sprinkles… :)

17 6-12-2010 7-54-38 PM.bmp

The sentiment here looks red. I assure you, its pink.

18 6-12-2010 7-55-34 PM.bmp

I got some new embossing folders last night. LOVE them. Really crisp embossing. However, they don't work with 5x5 cards, the embossing area isn't big enough.

21 6-12-2010 7-57-03 PM.bmp

And you cant have a day without a Dustin Pike stamp…… :)

19 6-12-2010 7-56-26 PM.bmp

Potty training is pretty much complete. :) We went today with only one accident (yesterday too). We are so proud!! :)


Heidi said...

Okay, they are all so great, but that dragon one at the bottom? <3!!! So cute!

Liz said...

cuteness! I have been wanting to get a good stash of cards created with all of my sbing stash( I haven't sbed in at least 3 years).. lots of great inspiration for me. thanks!

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