Sunday, June 25, 2006

Still Alive!!

I can not believe that I have not blogged since the end of May. Here comes my mid-summer resolution! I have to blog more! How are you all going to see pics of Riley if I dont start bloggin?

Speaking of the little one... we are into everything. I say this after cleaning up diet coke from my living room floor, fishing the remote out from under my couch, and finding my cell phone under the coffee table. She is off and, crawling. We are pullin ourselves up onto everything, like there is no tomorrow. Its insane. She will be walking before long, I am sure.

We had our first four wheeler ride last weekend. Riley rode with Daddy, while mommy (of course) took pictures. It was sooo cute. Derrick said that she talked and babbled the whole way. Course they only went up the driveway and back, so I can not imagine she said much.

Everything else is going good. The addition will hopefully be shelled next weekend. I am pretty excited for it. I think that we will be done sooner than we think we will. I am just excited to move in! I told Derrick that i want hardwook floor in my half, and carpet in the other. Then I wont have to worry about dropped ink pads, or the illusive stray adhesive.

Well I can hear talking over the baby moniter, which means our nap, as usual, was short lived. I will try to post pics tonight....

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