Friday, October 02, 2009

As promised…..

9202009 012 View from fourwheeling in WI

9202009 154 First day of school

9202009 178 Birthday princess

9202009 215 Celebrating Sissy’s birthday

Now that i have finally figured out how to upload from my desktop, hopefully it will be a lot easier! I had to change some of my blog settings and then go ahead and make a new folder somewhere. But I did it. And I did it by myself which makes me even happier!

So I know I should have a huge dramatic update. But I don't. Really its just the same old same old. Which is kinda how I prefer it.

We put the carpet in Riley's room last night. Derrick needs to replace the window, and then she is moving in! It makes me so excited, cause its just one step closer to being finished!

Riley is loving preschool. Which reminds me that I forgot to pay her tuition yesterday. Crap. I will have to run that up to the school tonight. Anyway, we think that its more of a mothers morning out type thing, with some learning thrown in, but she is loving it, and ultimately, that's what's important.

Chase is doing good. We had to increase the iron meds not too long ago. Not fun for him, but he seems to be doing better. I just hope that his labs come back better than last time! He is increasing his vocabulary every day and I am pretty sure that he has picked up “oh $h*t” from one of us, since i swear I heard him say it when he dropped his choo-choo this week.

I am back in school semi full time, but online instead of traditional classes. Its really a lot to keep up with, but I am doing okay. I am taking a math class, and a humanities class.

Alright… back to your regularly scheduled programming…

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