Friday, August 17, 2007

Pee.... Everywhere

<---- little diva. I *love* old navy bargians. So cheap, yet so cute. And they provide her with hours of fun!

<---this is a funny one. Riley packed my makeup bag in her purse. It was a little quiet in the backseat, but never did I imagine she had put on eyeshadow. On her cheeks. Its like airport security around here now. All bags are checked before leaving the house.

<--- and of course, the little man. He is doing so well, and getting so big! I can not get over how much he has changed, and in such a short amount of time!!

Everything is going pretty well. We are just going from day to day, doing whatever we want! Its kinda nice that way. I miss work a little bit, but not to much yet. Riley is so well behaved right now, that I can not really complain. We have our occasional meltdowns, but other than that, she is doing really well.

Today I experienced the whole "boy pee" issue. Chase is really good about not peeing on me. Really good. Today he got me three times within a twenty minute period. I changed him, he peed. I went to change his clothes, took off the diaper, he peed. Then he ate a little. Pooped, and you guesed it peed. It seriously is a projectile type thing. I couldnt stop laughing after the third time. He was a little shocked I think. Almost like he was thinking, "whats that stream flying over my head?? How far can I aim this? Can I hit the oppisite arm of the couch?" It was really cute, but a little messy.

Well I was hoping for a longer update, but judging from shouts coming from Riley's room, there must be a fly in there.......

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